Why you should shop for occasion wear sustainably

Sustainable shopping for occasion-wear

The average wardrobe is home to at least 26 items of clothing... which are never worn.

“Speed purchasing” is also a common issue, with ≈ 31% of 18- to 24-year-olds buying on a whim based on the latest trend, only to later realise their purchase didn’t even suit them. The percentage increases with special occasion outfits.

To put that into a perspective you can read more about the journey of our second hand clothes from the clothing suppliers to our sorting center and their distribution and preparation for sales in our shops and online store - read more here

With lots of special occasions coming up, we want to encourage you to think twice (?) before getting your dresses from fast fashion stores. Occasion wear is one of the most unsustainable sections because most people buy the items only to wear them once  There are so many unique and special dresses/jumpsuits/suits etc that you can find in second-hand shops or our online store!  

The throwaway culture has worsen progressively over the years. At present, many items are worn only seven to ten times before being tossed. That’s a decline of more than 35% in just 15 years.

And, if that weren't shocking on its own, keep in mind that we also buy 60% more clothes than in the year 2000. 

To get out of the mindset that you need to buy a new dress for every occasion first you need to narrow down your personal style. When you are sure about what you like and what looks good on you you can invest in a few pieces that are more universal. Think - a little black dress or a classic slip dress.

There are so many variations of each look! And you can find it all in our online store ;) Shop new in now.

Don't forget that the perfect outfit can be totally transformed with different accessories and shoes! 

When preparing for your next special outing we encourage you to shop second hand guilt free! As fashion is circular - most trends have already been in style and so you can find them all in thrift shops.  If you want to revive a dress you have worn before get creative - with your accessories, makeup and hair. And if all else fails - maybe shop your friends closets! ? 

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